Setting Up E-Mail (Macintosh)

Outlook Express | Navigator | Communicator | Eudora | Other | Setup Index

To set up any Internet mail application, you only need to know three things - your e-mail address, the address of your mail server, and your login information.

Your Email Address
This is made up of your username, followed by "". So, if your username were jqpublic, then your email address would be
Mail Server Addresses
Variously known as a Mail Server, Incoming Mail Server, Outgoing Mail Server, POP3 Server, or SMTP Server.
Incoming / POP3:
Outgoing / SMTP:
Your Login Information
You log in to the mail server using the same username and password with which you dial in. So, if you were assigned the username jqpublic and your password was password (not recommended), then you would log in to the mail server as jqpublic with the password password.

Microsoft Outlook Express (v4.0)

Setting up Microsoft's Outlook Express is (no surprise) a simple task on the Mac. It all revolves around one screen, which can be accessed either by clicking on the Edit menu and selecting Preferences or simply by clicking the Preferences button in the Outlook Express toolbar. In the preferences, highlight E-Mail under Accounts. A text approximation of the important parts of the corrosponding screen is shown below.

Account Information
Full Name: your name, as you would like it to appear
E-Mail Address:
Organization: optional

Sending Mail
SMTP Server:

Receiving Mail
Account ID: your_id
POP Server:
Password: your password. If you would like Outlook Express to use your password automatically, check the box next to "Save".

Account name: only used if you have multiple POP accounts set up, to differentiate between them.

Once the above information has been entered correctly, you're finished. The Advanced properties will be configured correctly by default, and will likely require changes only if you need to set up multiple POP accounts. Click OK to save the configuration. Outlook Express is now ready for all your e-mailing needs.

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Netscape Navigator Mail (v2 & 3)

Netscape Navigator comes with its own integrated e-mail package, which has many of the same features as Microsoft Internet Mail. To set up Netscape Mail, simply run Netscape, pull down the Options menu, and select Mail and News Preferences. When the Preferences window comes up, select Servers at the top, and fill in the server names as shown below. Make sure to put your username in the "POP3 User Name" field.

If you want Netscape to check mail for you whenever you are online, set "Check for Mail" to "Every", and specify how often you want to check for new mail. If this is not set, Netscape will only check your mailbox when you press the "Get Mail" button. Please note that this will only work while you are online with Spectranet, as Netscape has no way of dialing in for you.

After filling in Servers, select Identity at the top and fill in your name and email address. Click OK when finished.

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Netscape Communicator Mail

Netscape Communicator offers an integrated Internet package, including the Navigator browser, a news reader, a hypertext composer, and the Messenger e-mail client. Since Messenger does not have its own setup wizard, you'll have to enter the necessary information manually. The following instructions provide a quick, easy, and mostly harmless way to set up Communicator (v4.5 and up) as your e-mail client. Earlier versions of Communicator have a slightly different structure once you get into the Mail preferences, but once it's in front of you it shouldn't be too hard to figure out what goes where.

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Eudora Pro and Eudora Light (freeware) offer simple alternatives to using your browser as a mail-reader. They are self-contained e-mail packages which operate independently from Internet Explorer or Netscape. Free downloads of Eudora Light are available from Qualcomm, and from our own download site. Use the setup guide below to get the necessary information to configure Eudora correctly. Please note: screenshots are taken from Windows 95, but the configuration of the screens is the same.

Click here for a setup guide
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Other Mail Programs

Spectranet does not recommend or offer technical support for any program other than those listed above. However, if you are using something else, such as Microsoft Exchange Server, Pegasus Mail or PINE, then you should be able to set them up using the information given above.

Copyright © Spectranet Connections Inc. 1999
Last modified on: 30 June 1999